SaLuT !!!!! WeLCoMe To THe CLuB ^_^

Thursday 31 May 2012

Mid Valley ^_^

On the 28th of May, aku bertolak dri stesen BM pada pukul 11 stgh and aku sampai at KL Sentral on 29th of  May pada pukul 7 pagi. Lepas tu, pak cik aku mai amik bwak blik umh dy jap. Hermmm, smpai ja kat umah pak cik aku tu, pak cik aku sruh aku pergi mandi n bersiap, sejam lagi nk keluar pergi Mid Valley. Aku cakap oke doke.

Later, bila aq dah sampai kat Mid Valley, aku pun pegi la bsarapan wif my kzen di Subway. Eat Fresh. Yum3 n pak cik aku pergi la kerja dkt office atas Mid Valley tu. Itu yang bestnya klau jdi mcm pak cik aq ,

Dkt subway tu, aq alas perut dgn sandwich Steak & Cheese yg rupa dy mcm ny. 

 AM or after makan, aku n kzen pergi la tgok movie :) Guess what movie that we gonna watch? 
It is the ???

MIB 3 guys. Movie ny best. Unfortunately, aku tertido sekejap. Nasib baik lah msa the boring part. Hermm, aku hbis tgok wyg gn kzen 'bout 2 thirty, I guess. Then, aku wif my uncle n kzen pergi lunch at KRR. Kentucky Fried Chicken ??? Hermm, nope la. Ianya adalah Kenny Roger Roasters.

Less fat... Less salt ... Less Calories... Tokei company yang ckp bkn aku but mmg sdp la. Ayam dy lembut gileerrrr... At KRR, aku melantak dy punya Aromatic rice, Mashed potata, coleslaw n the signature of Kenny Roger. Smokey BBQ Chicken. Untuk appetizer aq melantak Cupcake n drinks aq telan air iced lemon tea je :).

Last word, Assalamualaikum, bye and stay tuned for more 

^_^  Ad's story

Holiday Planning ^_^

This holiday, I'm going to KL not a kadang lembu but Kuala Lumpur. Now, I'm already at Sunway City in PJ.
The first phase is already start. It will end at third of June which bring me to the second phase is also known as the final phase. Trip for the final phase is _o_t D_ck__n. What is it ????? It is Port Dickson :) This is the first time I'm going to PD. I hope I will enjoy this trip and also this holiday. Just that I want to post for this moment. Bye. Stay Tuned                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                    ^_^ Ad's story

Friday 25 May 2012

Scream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna scream tonight like this is the end. I'm gonna scream because my results are slippin down. I don't know how to release this frustration. I don't how to tell my mum 'bout this. I'm sure if I tell my mum, she will be so disappointed. But sooner or later, she will know 'bout that, right? I really don't know why this happen. Maybe I do know why. Maybe I love someone so much till I can't stop thinking 'bout her even for a moment. I can't concentrate in class. I always thinking 'bout her. Maybe this is because I really love her. I don't want to blame her for my very own confusion. I hope after the second term was opened, I can concentrate on my study and I want to redeem back my lost promises between me and my mum. I hope her will understand and respect my decisions. Even though it will be tough for her to face it, I'm sure she can face it no matter how tough is it. I want her to know that I love her so much .

^_^ Ad's hopes

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Birthday My Juliet ^_^

*Allah selamatkan kamu ,
*Allah selamatkan kamu ,
*Allah selamatkan 'Julietku' sayang .
*Allah selamatkan kamu ..... ^_^

Slmt Hari Jadi & Happy Birthday Sayang
Sweet 14 already
Smga hubungan kita berkekalan
Smga hubungan kita drestui kedua-dua parents & Allah S.W.T.
Smga sentiasa sihat
Smga sentiasa dsayangi & menyayangi
Smga sentiasa drahmati & dpelihara Allah S.W.T.
Smga yg dhajatkn sentiasa dmakbulkn
Smga panjang umur & murah rezeki
Smga mnjadi anak yg soleh                                


Happy Mother's Day Mom ^_^

I just like to wish to my beloved mother 'Happy Mother's Day'. This is a song for you mom.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Plan Ruined

My plan had ruined !!!!! Y'all want to know why ? Because the library doesn't open today .... Why ? Because today is Wesak Day ... So, that means I can't buy something for her ... I don't know how to set thing rights, at least for that time ... Later, I had something on my mind ... Y'all want to know ??? It is a plan B ... Huhuhu .... Hope it's gonna works .... ^_^